679 Mast Rd, Goffstown, NH 03102
Forever Tan Tanning salon in New Hampshire


679 Mast Rd, Goffstown, NH 03102

Phone Number

(603) 641-5400

Tanning Salon Bed and Lotion Information

Bed Types:

UVA and UVB: The different levels are based on the ratios of UVA to UVB.

  • Think UVB: Burning rays; higher percentage of UVB in the level one than the higher levels. Lowest UVB ratio in the matrix.
  • Level 1: Most like the sun. Surface tan. Takes longer to build up and shortest lasting tan. Red-based undertone.
  • Level 2: Mix of level 1 and level 3. Some bronzing and some reddening rays.
  • Level 3: Bronzer. Deep tan so longer lasting. Bronze-based undertone.
  • Matrix: Ultra-bronze. Fastest and longest lasting tan. Recommended to use once per week.

Who is best for each:

  • Level 1: Preparing for a vacation. Because it is most like the sun, it creates a “base tan.”
  • Level 2: Preparing for vacation less than a month away.
  • Level 3 & Matrix: Cosmetic tan. Good for the person who “just wants a little color.”

Lotion Types:

DO NOT use tanning oils in the beds. It breaks down the acrylic making them break easier. Spray on oils also make the floor VERY slippery and pose a fall risk.

  • Accelerator/Maximizer: Aids in creating pigment in the skin (melanin). No bronzers. Good for clients with very fair skin. No streaking or orange-ness.
  • Natural Bronzer: Cosmetic bronzer (think makeup!). Gives immediate color. It will wash off in the shower but also formulated to help build up your tan long-term. Good for people tanning for a same day event.
  • Bronzer (DHA): Formulated with dihydroxyacetone (DHA). This helps to bronze the pigment already in the skin. It can leave streaks so be diligent when rubbing in (use circular motions). This is the most popular lotion type.
  • Tingle: Formulated to simulate a sunburn to promote oxygenation of the skin and an improved tan. The “burning” effect is not a true sunburn and the feeling will dissipate in about an hour or two.

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